How does Decoupling works?

Some buyers have multiple owners under a property name. To move the property under the ownership of one owner, thereby freeing up the other owner to have no property count, is called Decoupling.


HDB Decoupling is only allowed if approved by HDB and these are usually due to these situations:

  • Death of an owner
  • Divorce
  • Renouncement of Singapore Citizenship
  • Medical or Financial reasons

For Private Property, Decoupling IS allowed. 

However, it is not as easy as to just remove a name, there is a process and financial implications.

  • If the property is in a 50-50 ownership between two owners, the remaining owner (RO) taking over, will need to pay the leaving owner (LO) back half of what the LO owns and owes.
    • Pay the LO what CPF has been used
    • Take over LO's Outstanding Home Loan
    • Pay back cash to the LO what is remaining of the 50%
    • The LO may need to pay Seller Stamp Duty of the 50% (if Decoupling is done within 3 years)

To find out exactly how much needs to be paid and the exact steps, do contact me and I would be most glad to explain in detail to you.

I will be most glad to assist you in your property dreams. 
Thank you in advance for your time!

Eugene Cheng
ERA Marketing Director
HP: 92281680
CEA No:     R063301E

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